Motivi e come risolverli

erroRE DirectX 12: Come correggere il problema inMarvel Rivals

Il gioco giocabile in modalità competizione Marvel Rivals, recently released by NetEaseGames, has been experiencing a technical difficulty that has been causing frustrationfor many players. The error DirectX 12is a persistent issue that can prevent gameplay and is not limited to hardware or software issues. In this article,we will explore the possible causes of this error, present some solutions to resolve it, and provide alternatives for players who are experiencingissues.

Causa dell”errore DirectX 12

Unlike other games, Marvel Rivalshas a unique graphics issue that is not directly related to hardware or operating system. The exact cause of error DirectX 12 is still unknown, but reports suggest that it may be linked to: compatibility issues with the game’s executable file, outdated Windows version,directX version, video card drivers, and Unreal Engine updates.

Soluzioni per risolverre l”errore DirectX 12

To resolve this issue, players need to take a few steps to attempt to fix the error. Here we present some potential solutions:

1.Riavvia Minecraft e il tuo PC: Shut down the game and restart your computer if you have not already done so.To ensure that all files are updated smoothly, restart the game and your equipment.
2.Riaviva il router: Reboot or restart your router, as technical issues can occur when the router caches data.
3.Aggiorna Windows e DirectX-12: Ensure that your Windows operating system is updated and supports DirectX 12.Browse to the Windows Update» section of your system settings to check for patches.
Aggiornamento dei driver di video GPU: Update your video card drivers,taking care to download recommended updates from the manufacturer’s portal.
Verificafile installati in Steam: Locate the game files by navigating "Marvel Rivals»–>Properties»–>Saved files»–>Verify game settings»" in the Steam manager. This step can help users identify corrupted files.
6.Cancella e reinstallavi Marvel Rivals**: If the software is not functioning correctly, uninstall all files and reinstall the game to ensure updated files and configurations.


If none of the above solutions persist, players can contact the NetEase customer support team for further assistance. In future updates, we will keep youup-to-date on the latest developmentsrelating to the DirectX 10 error in Marvel Rivals.

Note *: The post-visibility count is 42.